What is egg allergy?
Egg allergy is very fecvently found in children, being on the second place in the top of food allergies at young ages, after the allergy to cow's milk and derivatives. About 2% of children suffer from this type of food allergy, but fortunately, about 70% of them will heal from this allergy towards puberty. There is the possibility of protein transfer from the egg through breast milk and so this type of allergy to occur even in newborns breastfed exclusively. In the latter case, the recommendation is that the mother avoids the ingestion of any product that may contain the egg.
The egg has whites and yolks, each containing proteins that can cause antigen-antibody immune conflict. Most often the egg white is involved in allergies, but it is practically very difficult to separate the proteins in the egg white from those in the yolk, there is a mutual contamination of the egg white-yolk, so most often in the case of allergy to any part of the egg, it will be recommended to avoid food entirely. In the EU there is a recommendation to label the egg as an allergen present in any product, but beware that it can also be presented as albumin, ovalalbumin, mayonnaise, meringue, etc.
Procedure for the presence of OU in food
In the laboratory, quantitative dosages of egg allergen are performed by ELISA method.
Legislation in the field
According to the European Union legislation (Regulation 1169/2011) the following substances are defined that can cause allergies and which are mandatory to be labelled on food products:
1. | Cereals containing gluten, namely: wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt wheat, durum wheat or hybrids thereof and derived products, with the exception of:
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Finally in Romania you can determine the vitamins in the feed!
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